Tag Archive | Bully

Bully Documentary – A Review

This documentary was an eye opening film that all teachers, parents and students should see.  I got an email from my principal that Alliance Films and Cineplex was offering a free screening for teachers.

First off, the movie is very sad, the theatre was overflowing with tears.  The movie takes you through the lives of victims and their families.  The film starts with a heart breaking story from a father of a boy who took his own life due to the constant bullying at school.  It then takes you into the loves of kids who are constantly victimized.  From 11 year old kids who take their own lives due to the torment and constant bullying to the kids still living day in and day out who are bullied.  One girl was bullied so badly she brought a gun on the school bus to scare off the bullies.  The excuses from the school boards, principals and superintendents in the documentaries were heart breaking.  The movie is just a starting point and should mobilize all viewers to get out there and do what is right.  Support campaigns, stop bullying when it is being done and not to bully someone yourself.

I am so glad that my school is very supportive and the TDSB has a zero tolerance stance.  At school they look into cyber bullying and all forms of physical bullying.  With social media expanding we have bullying on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other websites.  I am happy to say our admin really combat that as well and help those in need.  I can’t say it doesn’t happen in our school but I will not stand for it and I do everything in my power to stop it.  Simple name calling is the main form I witness and will not tolerate it.

I was bullied as a child on multiple occasions and the worst feelings were not the words or the physical attacks but I can still remember a teacher laughing when I was being bullied.  Someone you trust and hope is there to protect you is really joining in when they don’t say anything to stop it.  We need to put an end to this, encourage our students to be positive and help those in need.

I encourage everyone  to see the movie or check out the resources and take a stance to end bullying.  On that note April 11th is Day of Pink to end bullying and homophobia, so lets start with that.  I will be wearing pink this year again!
